Welcome to the Stickney Police Department
We are staffed 24 hours a day and can be reached in an emergency by calling 9-1-1
For non-emergency number: 708-788-2131
Please visit us on Facebook
The Stickney Police Department is Hiring!
Click here for the Posting and Job Description
Auxiliary Officer Application
Finally, the Stickney Police Deparmtent is also currently accepting applications for the position of Facility Monitor. Applications can be turned in at the station 24/7 or emailed to Deputy Mark Kozelka at mark.kozelka@stickneypolice.com
Facility Monitor Application
Chief of Police
The Chief’s office is always open during regular business hours if you have a question, complaint, comment or just want to stop in. You can schedule an appointment by calling the non-emergency phone number during the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm.

CodeRed is a FREE emergency notification service provided to all residents and business within Stickney that will notify you of emergency Information through phone calls, text messages and emails. The system will be used to keep you informed of local events that may immediately impact your safety. The Village of Stickney encourages you to take action and register your phone(s) and email accounts for this service and verify your home or business location during the enrollment process so we may target notifications that directly impact your home or business. Enroll today by clicking here.
Tip 411
The Stickney Police Department is pleased to announce the implementation of a cell phone and web based application which will allow citizens to report tips to us. Our ability to solve crimes and create a safer town has a lot to do with the involvement of its citizens. For additional information please go to the
Communications page.
Closed Home / Vacation Watch and Overnight Parking
Residents Are Now Able to Request Overnight Parking Permission and Request a Vacation Home Watch Online
The Stickney Police Department has begun utilizing Frontline Public Safety Solutions online portal to provide an additional way residents can request overnight parking permission or request a home watch while on vacation with the police department. The online portal, which can be found on the Village website or by visiting www.frontlinepss.com/stickney is available to all residents. Requesting overnight parking permission or a vacation home watch can be done through the online portal or can still be done by coming to police department or calling the police department front desk. The Stickney Police Department hopes the addition of the Frontline Public Safety Solutions online portal will provide residents an easier and more convenient way to request permission for overnight parking and vacation home watches. The online portal can be reached on any cell phone, tablet, computer or device with access to the internet.
As a reminder, OVERNIGHT PARKING is restricted to residents only from 2A.M. thru 6A.M. on all Village streets (Per Village Ordinance 14-161.2). Parking permission is limited to three (3) consecutive days and ten (10) total days per month. If residents need to park a vehicle overnight, they must contact the Stickney Police Department by phone at (708) 788-2131 or submit your request using this online system. Requests must be received prior to 2:00 A.M. and any requests made after 2:00 A.M. may be subject to a parking citation. For any special requests and/or requests beyond the ten (10) nights within a calendar month, residents can contact the Stickney Police Department at (708)788-2131.
Residents who are going out of town and leaving their homes vacant for an extended period of time can request a vacation home watch while they are away. Residents will now be able to request the home watch through the online portal. Residents may still call the police department to make the request as well.
Any residents who have questions regarding any of these programs or the use of the Frontline Public Safety Solutions portal can contact Stickney Police Department at 708-788-2131.
On-line Fine Payment
Pay your parking and adjudication tickets online.
Click here to be taken to payquicket.com
The Village of Stickney’s Office of Adjudication hears a wide range of cases involving violations of municipal ordinances that were once heard in the Cook County Circuit Court. For additional information please go to the Adjudication page.
Important Links and information
Illinois Sex Offender Registry
Get a copy of a police report
Protect your child from Identity theft
Stickney Police Department (“SPD”) was formed in 1913 upon the incorporation of the Village of Stickney. Currently the Department is comprised of 23 sworn Police Officers, 12 Auxiliary (part-time) Police Officers and 14 civilian members.
The sworn officers of the SPD consist of the Chief of Police, 2 Deputy Chiefs of Police, 3 Sergeants, 2 Corporals and 15 patrolmen. One Sergeant is permanently assigned to the Major Investigations Unit, and several officers assist on a part time basis. The SPD is part of numerous task forces that operate in Cook County.
Auxiliary Officers are used to supplement the SPD. During summer hours there is a “Park Shift” which occurs primarily in the afternoon hours. The “POWER Shift” works throughout the year. Auxiliary Officers also provide assistance during parades, large scale events, etc.
Civilian members of the SPD include the Records Division and facility monitors which allow the police department to remain open 24/7.